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A True Queen


Does what is best, not only for Her Self, but what is best, for her people as well.


She plays the roles, She must play,

does the dance, to fit into the Harmony of Creation… so She can rule from a place of Truth… a place of Dharma.


Dharmic rule.


A True Queen… will sacrifice… Her self, Her loved ones, Her comforts even – for the good of her people, the good of her land, the good of her family, because they are all Her Children –


So She must sacrifice – to nurture them if that is what is needed at the time.


A true Queen puts others before Her Self, knowing to do so – makes Her a Goddess – Her Divine Self.  This is where Her Sovereignty comes from. 


Her Self… the great Goddess that She embodies… for the world,

for Herself – the True Queen.


The Maha Rani…


Elixir of Life She is to all – who share in her joys and in her pains.


A True Queen… understands… the feelings of all, and holds them dear – giving what she must – always and allowing where She can, the growth of those around Her – as well as Her Self.


A true Queen…gives for the sake of giving


Unconditionally – because it means She is Being Her Self…


A True Queen…


And why, She may ask One day…


To know that what you are doing (not would have written in this case and is equally as true)


is benefitting not only this world (your Self wants to be said)

and should be…


But this entire….




-       ♾️




is to


serve. - ♾️

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