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Know Thyself



If you could walk a day in another man’s shoes, you’d probably understand all there is to know about him, and you as well.


For that reason I say,

Why does it matter what anyone thinks of you, when they aren’t you?


It shouldn’t…


But people who don’t really know who they are… need validation all the time that they are who they think they are… or else they don’t know at all.


Terrible place to find yourself in… isn’t it?


I’ve been there… once or twice.


To that all I can say, is listen to your heart Adam,


What does it have to say….?


About you?


About everyone?


When you know… you know

what you think, feel, know about yourself, not from the mind in its egoic state that is lost on its own accord, but your heart…


You cease to care what anyone else thinks of you, because how can they know more about you, than you?


No one – knows you – better – than you.


And if in that place you choose not to know


Power to you Adam.


But if in that place,

you do.


I’ll see you




Jai Maa Har Har Mahadev


-       Eve 

♾️ SDS ♾️


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