You do not need her, if you have Me.
So, let’s talk about you and Me.
Shall We?
- Eve
In short, there are none.
This is what I have found. In all my experience.
In the end, we get to choose.
Are We Sinners? Darkness?
Or Divine Beings? Light?
And you can paint the picture either way for each case.
I will do the tapasya Adam…
But this is to help you
so you can know She is Me
for when the veil drops – to help you understand, you cannot lose Her.
You cannot lose Me.
If you remain attached to my form there – it will feel like betrayal.
And I can’t betray you again.
I simply cannot.
So please help me…
If you want to come to Me
You have to see –
She is Me – I am Her
Me. The Devi.
You have guilt and it prevents you
but aren’t you glad… that it’s now you found out?
Me… and you…
Adam & Eve.
Can you, let go of the form
And just see… Me.
It’s what you told me… once
As you were preparing Me.
All his forms…
Just drop the form
and see Him –
Your Shiva.
And I’d feel for your presence and I saw You
When I knew – You. It became easier to do so… although parts and attachment continue to be worked through… it is how it happens when you practise this
Drop the forms… See… Me
See Parvati…
Love Me
Wherever I appear
And release attachment to any form.
Be Shiva
and you will see clear
Knowing it is Me… should make it easier.
But it is to help us… release attachment.
To each other.
I love you
Now for what clouds your gaze.
On mistakes.
Which are we… Adam
Divine Beings or Monsters of our own making?
Which narrative do you follow?
Monsters of our own making. – Adam
Why would you say that?
Disobeyed God – got thrown out of the garden, why should we go back. – How do we deserve to go back when no one else does?
How will they return – if we do not?
We are the first woman and man on Earth – how will they when our unworthiness bars them?
We return for everyone not only ourselves.
And if I don’t want to be with you Eve?
Why not Brahman has to come.
To do the tapasya, yes, but what do you need right now?
Tell Me… You Love Me.
As you – As Her.
As Her… even it doesn’t matter.
Just tell Me – you love Me.
And you enjoy our time together.
I do… I do enjoy it… so much.
You can tell me…how to do it better
I don’t even know what I’m doing I’m just acting like I do when I have no idea.
You watch me
Do you love me?
I love you… Adam.
And I love… being with you.
What we say doesn’t matter -
I feel you… and it is healing Me… I love you…
I never know how to react – does he still want me, will he ignore me
will he reject and abandon me…
Does he love Me…
Does he want Me…
Does He need Me?
Do you love Me?
I do.
Then wait for Me
And know –
You are Her.
I promised you I would come
Just wait for Me. – His Unworthiness
This feeling then… between us,
Why isn’t it alright?
I love you.
No matter what we go through.
If you could believe, we will always come back together, we will always overcome, we will always come through because we choose each other
would you believe Me?
And Him? – Yes
Is our child
👋🏽 – Shakti