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If the winds could whisper, they’d tell you a tale of the two of us, who would sing beneath the oak tree, the breeze carrying our voices, both near and far.


My Guruji and I.


It’s like the sun would shine for us, when it was time for us to go out, for us to sing our love songs.  Love of what?  The birds, the bees, the wind, the trees – the One who made it all, but most of all the singing came from the love we had between us.  The joy in that melody, in that harmony.


We would sit under the tree, in the green grassy meadow, beside the gurgling river.  Me with my picnic basket of goodies I’d made or collected for us to share after that day’s festivities.




We both loved that.


You would play an instrument of some sort and it’s like all of nature would join you in your melody.  The grasshoppers, leaping to the beat, the birds singing along, the wind through the trees… and I’d sing… to it all.  And then you’d join me.




            And Tenor.


Somehow an octave apart we’d always be… perfect melody.


And as we sang the river gurgled our melody, adding even more diversity to our harmony.  Nature was our band… we sang with all of creation when we were together.


And the animals would come nearby and sit around to hear it.


The melody of Shiv and Shakti.


I liked when you would lead and I would follow… lending my voice to your harmony.  Somehow you just knew how it all went together… so beautifully.


Sometimes I’d even dance as you sang, and I sang in return to the melody of all of creation being played by you and me.


But what I remember most, that brings this entire scene back to me, is when you’d sing in harmony with me – and together we’d sound the note of creation – the song of the Universe being sung by you and me – in that melody, that harmony – between You and Me.


In the mingling of our voices, in the way they merged into one and the joy it would bring us and all those around. 

I could remain lost in that moment for eternity, the moment of the merging of You and Me.

Together, then apart, together, then apart, together again – it was where there was beauty…. highlighting the other, supporting one another, adding blend to create contrast – to create melody.

We brought out the best in one another.




It is in our nature.


It’s who we are together.


You and Me… in harmony.


And the birds would carry a whisper on the winds, have you heard them today?


Down by the meadow?


The song of Shiva and Shakti?


I can hear it even now… if you listen really closely…. their love is timeless and therefore, so is their song.


Wanting nothing in return, but to simply be expressed.  And when it is, the flowers grow a little more to strain their petal ears so they can hear, the trees stretch a little further so they can grasp its notes on the breeze, what a treasure.  The blades of grass start to play with one another, as the vibration goes through them.  Others laugh and sing as a joy fills them, from where does it come, they do not know - somewhere deep inside them.


And me and him in the middle of it all,


in the middle of this symphony.


When it only took his voice and mine and this thing called Eternal Love.


It’s what makes You and Me.


And it’s all I’ll ever need.


When we stopped singing… all of creation was saddened… our friends, our family, our community, the animals, the rivers, the winds and the trees…


The rain began to pour and the thunder echoed endlessly.  The animals turned away with their tails between their legs…. a sadness cast over creation… no more laughter, no more dancing.


Where are they now, the


Singers… of all creation?


Where are they,

the ones who sang for nothing in return?


I bow to them


and ask them to restore harmony once more…


For if not your voices… it’ll be another,


far less sincere.


Please do not forget ever


The Love of Shiva


and Shakti


and the harmony they once shared


that allowed them to sit


under the oak tree and gaze and smile at one another in musical harmony and restore the world to its peace.


Wanting no other – but themselves and their harmony.


Whatever it looks like, whatever it sounds like… it’s just you and me.


No other.


And from which all other is created in bliss and unity.


Where have the singers gone,


creation is out of balance.


We search for them even still… I pray they’ll sing one day again


through me


from the inside, Out.

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