Many kinds of Lovers there are on this Earth… but the rarest kind to have graced these shores are ones who have lived the tale of sacrifice – for one another – For no other cause or aim than to simply burn for the other to Light their way – back Home.
Sita and Ram were two such Lovers – the rarest kind. Little did they even enjoy the fruits of love – all they did – was sacrifice for one another.
There is a woman who once said
Love is Sacrifice.
It is that same woman I call upon to tell this tale
Of Love and Sacrifice…
The Love of Sita and Ram.
A garden is where they fell in love…. Upon first glance of one another…
A garden… and upon after a golden deer to chase down, for what – we cannot imagine – these vegetarian Sadhus in the forest, a line crossed and a great fall from the Garden of Eden and the birth of separation.
Are these not the two lovers who came to heal the age-old lovers – Mother and Father of Us All – Adam and Eve and return to the Garden of Eden once and for all?
They did not waste much time at all – In Saving One Another – and their creation who was made of both Him and Her and this myth – This untruth of Original Sin… that fuelled creation.
The Fall of Eve created a very subdued, very excluded and very punished woman whose fame and virtue depended on the men in her life and simply having a Mother – first the property of her father and then her husband, she was an ornament and a servant to upholster the worth of the masculine and that was all. Her virtue therefore had to be protected lest she seem tainted – ruining the reputation and attached worth therefore of her husband, father or male relatives. Good ornaments ensured other women stayed the same lest they lose their own source of worth by seeing there was another way… so they held each other down in a rat race leading to nowhere that sucked the souls of women and created shadows of men to be upheld.
This was when Ram and Sita incarnated.
They both began in much the same way – even with One another as per societal protocol but Love had other plans for these two Lovers.
It began with the golden deer never mind the fact Sita or Eve volunteered to stay with their husbands no matter the cost to stay by their side. No this is neglected as part of the duty of a good wife, forgetting and neglecting the Love in this action and therefore overlooking the fact of why would she ever want to hurt him? When She loved him more than life itself.
But the Powers that be would not like this tale told.
From Eve or Sita’s perspective.
You see a Man’s worth comes from his wife. His possessions, his wealth, this status – his wife was simply one of those things to bolster his worth and reputation so God help her if she stepped out of line.
Lectures of “good girls,” “pure girls,” “Dowry,” etc. while none of the aforementioned about sons that had anything to do with anything other than worshipping his parents and making a good name.
The woman’s dress, the woman’s company, the woman’s personality, the woman’s love, the woman’s expressions, where the woman went among the few under scrutiny.
Imprisoned by the worth of Men.
So, what happened.
Sita Maa was stolen away by another Man. To a foreign Land. From the King of Ayodhya, The Lord Himself.
And you have to ask,
Sita told Ram to catch the golden deer because She wanted something “pretty.”
Eve told Adam to pick the fruit because she wanted to follow her “impulses.”
But why did Ram go to shoot the deer?
And why did Adam pick the apple?
No one ever asks that.
Do you notice?
Eve and Sita are called shadows instead. Or blamed for original sin. Or blamed inadvertently.
But no one had Ram or Adam at gun point to do these actions yet they did.
Because their worth was coming from somewhere outside of themselves.
I pick the apple, She’s happy.
She told me to.
I get the deer, my wife thinks I’m good.
Golden sticker – follow what they say, I am worthy.
Don’t – I am not.
This is a crippling charge that takes a man out of his own power because their lack of discernment to realize,
Why would Sita want golden skin of a deer or why would Eve say to pick the apple when God said not to?
Their discernment is not functioning because they choose for it not to the moment they hand their worth to someone outside of themselves.
It is never ok to do this because this is what allows darkness to come in…
Darkness that is not Love.
So Ram falls, Adam falls, and Sita and Eve fall with them too. Along with humanity.
Sita already mirroring the core wound of the masculine in her action to make him see where he is not in alignment with himself. Where he is not Home. In a way that hurts him so he’ll actually see.
It’s easy when he has his wife on his arm on display with the mangal sutra, sindoor and shy attitude looking down as the dutiful wife – easy to uphold that charge of worth depending on his possessions - especially his wife – who shouldn’t be a possession at all any more than he should be.
Easy to uphold the charge, the status quo there. Not so much when he gets hurt by it.
See why it no longer serves.
He then goes cross country to have his “virtue” restored from another man – entirely driven upon it – as much as he was distraught by it. Why do I say it like this then?
Because the minute he got there – instead of caring for her after such an ordeal he put her through a test of fire. To prove her “purity.”
To prove her worth to him as only a pious, untouched wife (as the Pandits like to say it was only her shadow taken so Ravan didn’t take “the real Sita” – his wife, leaving her “untainted.”)
I beg to differ.
She proves it to him but the fact she even had to was the fall of their relationship, in fact the minute he went after that deer. Because she never would prove anything to him – she should never need to. In a situation of unconditional Love and Truth, being kidnapped and held captive all alone and rescued should not necessitate tests of purity.
It is quite disgusting really.
But She did and true to my word she was asked to again and again, when people spoke of his wife as having been tainted. Based on rumours that were not even true. Or couldn’t even be.
Can a man be tainted? Impure?
Then why can a woman be?
In fact - why can anyone be?
Now she wasn’t upholding his worth, She was destroying it – so She was to be
Disposed of.
Pregnant or not, it didn’t matter,
Because she was not a proper wife upholding his worth.
Thank God She wasn’t.
She instead was trying to save Him.
From who?
To point out to him – he is with the woman he loves most in the world – and look at what he has done to her.
Crossed lifetimes, oceans, wars for her.
His possession. She became, if he could discard her so.
No Sri Ram… that Is not how you get to be with Durga Maa, because for that you must be Shiva and to be Him you must see your wife is a part of You.
Entirely and wholly One with You – and as they say the way we love ourselves is the way we love one another.
Because we are... in fact… One.
If he felt unworthy of himself, he then felt unworthy of her, and felt the need to suppress her, push her away, abandon her – realizing that possession of her was not enough. Because She could become “tainted” and then what.
He was in self-proclaimed misery.
The saddest part was while all he wanted was to be with her and fought the world to get to her in that birth alone – he was driven by unworthiness instead of Love and so he could never have her.
Because the minute he did (he was also refusing her at their very wedding saying She was in fact unworthy of Him) he lost Her.
You cannot Possess the Goddess.
You can only Love Her.
To prove that Ravan, the demons, the war, the exile had nothing to do with any of it he was the one himself who sent her away after all of that.
Multiple times.
Because in the end.
It was all something in Him. Which she was trying to show him.
Because She Loved Him.
So he could see – and bring the light of his awareness to it and heal – so they could be united.
For they were One – so any darkness in him was separation for them – would have to be healed by their love so no more separation existed and they could be together.
If he believed himself to be unworthy of Her – then that’s what would happen.
And vise versa.
The thing is, sending her away didn’t make him any happier. Proving our own worth cannot come from anywhere except within ourselves.
So this was really just – self-punishment. In the end. Because He didn’t feel worth – from the inside out.
The same woman I called upon earlier, said to me, through me rather, once to Him – this villain who was her Lover.
I walked into that fire rather than allow you to be with me so you would see.
So you would realize, I’d rather walk through flames than be with the man you have become.
Cut off from your Self.
A wakeup call of the highest order.
Sacrificing Herself the one he loves most in the world – of her own will – this one trying to possess her for his own worth – walk through the flames
Rather than let him be that Monster.
Because that isn’t Him.
That isn’t Her Shiva.
And to make him see through thick layers of ego and grief She sacrifices herself and goes up in flames, to make Him See.
She loved Him that much.
That He’d know She’d rather return to the Earth than be with Him like that.
Wake him up, make him look at himself in the mirror this is what true twin flames do.
They Love one another.
So that maybe he’d see – maybe he’d heal and in another life they could finally Be Together.
As One.
The only way they can be.
What did Sri Ram do in all of this?
He Empowered Her.
As the Shiva of the Sun always does.
Empower His Shakti and make her a Queen once more, risen from the ashes.
No more shame, no more being small. He tossed Her out so she could learn to fly again.
She was seen as meek and submissive at the beginning, her strength and power meant to be put aside for Him.
But no, he wouldn’t have that – her worth depended on Him.
So, he tossed her out.
And She became a Goddess to be reckoned with.
Survived demons, capture, tests of purity by her husband, lost and miles from Home, living in the forest, tossed out pregnant with twins and She had them on her own in the forest and when questioned yet again by Him of her virtue and her purity
She showed Him and committed an act only a Goddess would be able to do.
At will She returned to her Mother
Gaia Maa
In front of his face
- Durga Maa.
And Sri Ram’s greatest Victory, never told.
Jai Maa, Har Har Mahadev