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Updated: Dec 24, 2024

There was once a man who loved his wife more than life itself. He promised her, again and again, that he would never, never leave her alone. That he would always choose her, no matter what happened or how hard it got, he would love her with his every breath, in exactly the way she needed – everyday of her life, for all lives she may ever have.


One day God asked them to incarnate on Earth to teach humanity the meaning of love.  That humanity had forgotten what it was to love, and had all but lost hope in it entirely.  God reaches his children through love, so if the people forgot love, it means they’d forgotten him.  And he couldn’t allow his children to forget him when he loved them so.


So, he asked them to incarnate and to live their very special love so the world would remember him.


There was once a woman who loved her husband more than life itself.  She said to God when asked this request, the only way she would incarnate on Earth was if she could be with her husband - and only her husband.  She would not be with any other.  Because she loved only him, she would not allow any other near as that was not something she was willing to do - be with someone that was not him.


And so with each of these vows this man and woman had taken, God had quite the puzzle to work out, as they’d  have to be separated to live and grow on Earth and learn all the lessons they needed to learn about separation and love, before they could truly come together to show humanity the meaning of love – the  meaning of Him.


But He promised the man who loved his wife more than life itself that He would honour his promise – that He would ensure, he’d never leave his wife alone, he’d always be there to love and care for her with his every breath – for all of her life.  And He promised the woman who loved her husband more than life itself, that He would only ever ask her to be with her husband – the one she truly loved with all her being - and no other.


So, the man and the woman were born on Earth, left to find one another, without their memories of each other.  But within them, God’s promise and their oath remained in their hearts, guiding them forward.


The woman was born as a child in a lovely family where she felt happy and secure - until her father went away one day, and left her.  As she grew, she looked for him elsewhere in another to find that love and security once more – and she met a kind friend who loved her and grew with her, as they faced the challenges of being teenagers and young adults in this world that had forgotten love.  And then one day after many years, he left too.  She didn’t know who she was without him, she had grown so close to this best friend  who she thought loved her more than anything - so she decided to be like the others in the world, and play it cool, travelling and meeting friends of friends in the casual world of so called love and life that humanity had created in their loneliness to fill the void of what true love was – of what God’s love for them was, that they had forgotten.  And along the way, she met another friend who she felt happy and safe with and she explored with him and grew some more, and toured new cities and lived life in the wild.  But then suddenly he broke her heart too, and went away, even though she knew what they had was true.  She once again didn’t know what to do, after connecting with yet another man who had left her too.


The toll of it all was beginning to catch up with her and she fell ill immediately after, entering a time where she truly felt the world had abandoned her.  And it was then, another came to her, a friend with that same light in his eyes when he looked at her that she had seen before, ready to journey onwards with her into the dark and beyond.  Another that promised he’d never leave her alone.   Never, ever he said, unless she turned him away, would he ever go.


And so, they journeyed together for a time, him healing her shattered dreams of love, and the possibility of a lifetime together began to bloom.  And then one day, that light in his eyes began to dim, and when he realized he could not protect and love her like he did before, he left her too. 


She was all but left in despair to wonder, who is the one she was looking for all her life?  The one who promised he’d never leave her?  When every man she ever knew and loved starting with her father onwards, ever since she knew love, had gone away and left her. 


And then one day, she met him.  The one she recognized like no other.  The one who carried the same presence as every man she had ever loved, yet with a pull 100 times stronger.


And she began to remember God’s promise – and her true lover.  She asked him – for now she remembered, this was her true husband – the one who promised he’d never leave – how he could have left her alone all her life, over and over the way he had?


And he said,


My sweet darling, I never left you.  It was me that loved you within the form of your father, the form of your best friend turned love, the form of your adventurous lover, the form of your love who cared for you while you were ill.  It was always me.  I have been with you your entire life – never leaving your side - because this was God’s promise to me.  And he held his promise to you - that you would be with no other but me.  Yet you were allowed to experience with me in each of these forms, so you may learn and grow each time, about what it was to feel separation on Earth, so you could know the truth that is love.  That love that never leaves, that it is always with us, even when it seems to go – that it always present, no matter what, even if it has to come to us in yet another form.  Even from within our own selves.  Even if we can’t see it, it will never leave.  Just like God’s love for us all - the greatest lesson of all. 


And she wondered how she could ever trust him, when she felt he had left her again, and again, across her entire life. 


But he said, I live within you – I could never, never leave you.  As you have never left me, for you have been with me all my life too, in the forms of those who believed in our love too.  And I will spend the rest of my life proving it to you – because I am the only one who will ever – Always – choose you. 


And God smiled from above as he knew this was the meaning of love.  And how they would remind his creation of the meaning of his love - true Divine Love - because it isn’t in simply being there as the man had been present in each that had been with the woman, or about the woman wanting only to be with him.

It was their choice.  The choice they made every day – to choose each other, that allowed their love to stay.


Because love is always present, but we always have the choice – to choose it or not, and that is where our power lies.


And so, he chose his wife every day for the rest of his life, as she chose him, and remembered her husband said to her once, you’ll know it’s truly me when I come, because I will always, always, always,


choose you,


my darling love.


Thanks for listening.  With my love always,





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