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Harmony… is what is between the strings of an instrument when it is played.


Each string, having its own purpose, each chord, striking its own tune, unique in its individuality,


yet when played together,


becomes… Harmony.


It is a dance of moving parts,

of moving strings, that when taken together, create this kind of melody,


this kind of symphony,


that is harmony.


It is where each piece, each string, each person even is playing their role, as unique and individual as they may seem,


but when taken together,


in the spaces in between,


there is something greater than their parts…


greater than the sound of each individual string,


greater than even the individual themselves.



It is Harmony.




Oneness even…


but it is a song,


it is a dance… more than anything, that is simply created by everything, and everyone,


being, them selves.


When one tune is out of key,

one piece, broken,


just one voice off key,


the Song of the Universe is disrupted,


the harmony off balance.






It is,


You… and Me.

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